Tuesday, December 01, 2009


Well, I missed Thanksgiving, THE Game, and the fun shopping on Black Friday. I have been in bed with pnemonia. I have never felt this badly in my life....all I can do is get up shower, and crawl back into bed for a long winter's nap. Hopefully I will be up and out by Saturday.


Monogram Queen said...

Oh dear, sweetie I am so sorry to hear this. Please get plenty of fluids and rest.
I have a feeling you are probably glad to have missed "the game" being a rabid tiger fan!

Hugs my friend!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

OH noooooo! I'm so sorry that you missed Thanksgiving and shopping. I'm kind of glad that you missed the game bacause if you were already feeling poorly, it might have pushed you COMPLETELY over the edge. I'm trying to console myself by saying that it isn't a rivalry if we don't let the other team win every once in awhile. FEEL BETTER!

The wife said...

Hope you feel better soon!